Sweet Science

by Robert Peirano
(Kerhonkson, NY )


In boxing, when a fighter is showing all the proper skills in the ring you will hear the term, he is practicing the "sweet science."

I like to think the same thought as I make my way through this life.


There are times when life comes at me I jab and jab away, I bob and weave and circle this opponent with all intentions to protect myself. I roll with the punches that come at me, and although I believe I am putting up the good fight I get hit and stunned. On occasion I will even lean on the ropes for support, cover up while life administers one of it's many beatings on me.

I will stagger back to my corner......
As I sit on the stool and recover, I wonder..."Christ" why is this happening,I have the skills, I'm doing what I've been taught and yet I still get hit,stunned and discouraged. At last it slowly creeps into my thoughts as I regain my senses. The good boxers and fighters in these battles realize there are times no matter how good the fight in you is, or how well you evade the blows, you will still take hits. The science to it, is how well you rebound, how well you absorb the blows. The good boxers use the many previous rounds and years they have fought in this ring to there advantage. They know that even with all their skill they have aquired,they will still take some blows, they accept the fact they cannot evade every hit. What the good fighter knows is the hits he receives are all lessons. Lessons to be learned, lessons to be remembered. So when this force comes at them again, they are prepared. Ready to evade or absorb the blows and not allow themselves to become stunned...so stunned, that they lower their guard and drop down to one knee or even hit the canvas..maybe to never rise again to fight, to fight the good fight.

As I sit on my stool and ponder my thoughts I look around. I silentley scan the crowd. I see the great fighters out among the masses of people. Some of these fighters I know personally, some I don't, but I have heard of their ring battles. I look to these fighters for inspiration. I see them at times when they seem beaten. They rise from their stool, raise their guard, tuck there chin and head out for another round. There is more to these great fighters than just their skill. They have another component that makes them great, they are fearless, determined and confident in themselves, to keep going, to make the next round.

I will not lie and say I am not afraid as I'm sitting here on this stool waiting for the bell to announce the next round. I am afraid....I'm not ashamed.

So where were these great fighters at some point? I owe it to them to keep moving foward, I owe it to those who were unfortunate to not see the great fighters around them and not have the inspiration to continue the fight.
The bell sounds....
I rise from my stool, a big breath... raise my guard, tuck my chin.

This is my verse to the world, what I leave behind. Keep up the fight and look to the crowd for inspiration.

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